
Double Degree Program information

Double Degree Doctoral in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Registration Flow for New Double Degree Students

Faculty of Pharmacy UGM offers doctoral double degree programmes with reputable partner universities around the world to meet academic excellence and global exposure.  Students applying for this program spend the first two (2) year of study at UGM and the second two year (2) of the study at partner university.

The available programs :

  1. The Double Degree Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences (DPS) UGM – University of Leiden, The Netherland
  2. The Double Degree Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences (DPS) UGM – University of Malaya

Study Plan

All doctoral candidates must pursue the study plan as specified below. The study plan consists of regular mandatory courses at UGM (year 1 and 2 of the Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences /DPS programme) and at partner universities (year 3 and 4 of the DD programme), as well as one Ph.D./doctorate thesis (dissertation) written in English. Two versions of the thesis can be formatted to follow each institution standards of thesis formatting, but they should have the same content. The arrangement of the period and duration of stay of the Doctoral candidates during the study is subject to change based on the study condition approved by the Supervisors from both Universities. read more