On-going Research

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1 Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid
  • Alternative squalene sebagai adjuvant vaksin;
  • Alternative squalene as a vaccine adjuvant;
  • ekstrak tanaman obat sebagai antikolitis;
  • medicinal plant extracts as anticolitis;
  • identifikasi alergen lokal Indonesia
  • identification of local Indonesian allergens
2021-now https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Rizal
2 Prof. Dr. apt. Susi Ari Kristina, M. Kes
  • Willingness to pay for preventive and promotive programs in Indonesia;
  • Telemedicine and its utilization among Indonesian population;
  • Availability and accessability of controlled medicines in Indonesia
2023-2025 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/susi#
3 Teuku Nanda Saifullah S
  • Formulasi sediaan farmasi,
  • Pharmaceutical preparation formulations,
  • penelitian terkait eksipien
  • Excipient related research
4 Adam Hermawan ·

  • Functional drug-gene target disease analysis of flavonoids and alkaloids for overcoming HER2+ breast cancer resistance towards targeted therapy.
2023-2026 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Adam#
5 Adam Hermawan
  • Reverse vaccinology against breast cancer and tropical disease
2023-2026 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Adam#
6 Triana Hertiani
  • Pengembangan bahan alam Indonesia untuk antiinfeksi
  • Development of Indonesian natural ingredients for anti-infection
2023 – 2025 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Triana
7 Nanang Fakhrudin
  • Discovery of Bioactive Compounds from Sukun (Artocarpus altilis) and Jotang (Acmella oleracea)
  • Ethnopharmacological survey of Indonesian Herbal medicines
1-2 years https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Nanang
8 Abdul Rohman
  • Pengembangan Metode Deteksi Komponen Non-Halal Pada Produk Olahan Pangan Melalui Pendekatan Metabolomik Dan Proteomik Dengan LC-HRMS
  • Development of a Method for Detecting Non-Halal Components in Processed Food Products Using a Metabolomics and Proteomics Approach Using LC-HRMS
2023-2024 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/abdulrohman
9 Dr. Sci. apt. Rohmad Yudi Utomo, M.Sc.
  • Pengembangan Senyawa Kurkumin Analog Tertarget NCYM
  • Development of NCYM Targeted Analog Curcumin Compounds
  • Pengembangan Senyawa Modulator Pyroptosis
  • Development of Pyroptosis Modulator Compounds
2023-2024 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/rohmadyudiutomo#
10 Muthi Ikawati
  • Pengembangan Senyawa Flavonoid dari Citrus sp. sebagai Agen Ko-Kemoterapi Kanker, Anti-aging, Anti-aterosklerosis, dan Imunomodulator
  • Development of Flavonoid Compounds from Citrus sp. as a Cancer Chemotherapy Agent, Anti-aging, Anti-atherosclerosis, and Immunomodulator
2023-2025 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/muthi_ikawati
11 Andayana Puspitasari Gani
  • Optimasi ekstraksi daun binahong dan herba pegagan
  • Optimization of extraction of binahong leaves and gotu kola herb
2023-2024 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/andayana#
12 apt. Anna Wahyuni Widayanti, M.P.H., Ph.D.
  • Health-seeking, medicine-taking behaviors and social supports in people with stigmatized conditions
2023 – 2024 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/annawidayanti
13 Dr. apt. Nunung Yuniarti, S.F., M.Si.
  • Penemuan dan Rancangan Calon Obat Baru Dari Bahan Alam dan Hasil Sintesis untuk:
  1. Brain disorder (Alzheimer, learning and memory, social interaction, anxiety, depression)
  2. Neurogenesis dan gliogenesis
  3. Mekanisme epigenetik
  4. Diferensiasi neural stem cellls
  5. Diabetes, Hipertensi, Dislipidemia
  6. Analgetik, antipiretik, antiinflamasi (akut dan kronis, perifer dan pusat)
  7. Antiobesitas (antioksidan dan lipase inhibitor)
  • Surveillans penggunaan antimikroba (kualitatif dan kuantitatif)
  • Discovery and Design of New Drug Candidates from Natural Ingredients and Synthesis Results for:
  1. Brain disorders (Alzheimer’s, learning and memory, social interaction, anxiety,depression)
  2. Neurogenesis and gliogenesis
  3. Epigenetic mechanisms
  4. Differentiation of neural stem cells
  5. Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia
  6. Analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory (acute and chronic, peripheral and central)
  7. Antiobesity (antioxidant and lipase inhibitor)
  • Surveillance of antimicrobial use (qualitative and quantitative)
5 tahun (2022-2026) https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/nunung
14 Dr. apt. Rumiyati, M.Si.
  • Identifikasi Protein Toksik di dalam jamur merang, karakterisasi, uji toksisitas dan uji bioaktivitasnya
  • Identification of Toxic Proteins in straw mushrooms, characterization, toxicity tests and bioactivity tests
  • Pengembangan analog kurkumin sebagai antihipertensi, studi in vitro dan in silico
  • Development of curcumin analogs as antihypertensives, in vitro and in silico studies
  • Pengembangan metode analisis autentifikasi halal dengan metode PCR
  • Development of halal authentication analysis methods using the PCR method
  • Karakterisasi bioaktif dalam kalus yang ditumbuhkan dari tanaman sebagai antiaging
  • Characterization of bioactives in callus grown from plants as antiaging
  • Pengembangan produk nutrasetikal dan pangan fungsional untuk penyakit degeneratif dan penvegahan stunting
  • Development of nutraceutical products and functional foods for degenerative diseases and preventing stunting
2023-2024 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/MTk3MTA5MjIxOTk3MDIyMDAx
15 Prof. Dr. Zullies Ikawati
  • Pengaruh polimorfisme gen UGT1A9 dan IMDH2 terhadap outcome terapi obat mikofenolat pada pasien yang menerima transplantasi ginjal dan penyakit autoimun
  • The influence of UGT1A9 and IMDH2 gene polymorphisms on the outcome of mycophenolate drug therapy in patients receiving kidney transplants and autoimmune diseases
  • Pengembangan poliherbal untuk terapi ulkus diabetes
  • Development of polyherbals for diabetic ulcer therapy
  • Pengembagan ekstrak kayu secang sebagai cognitive enhancer
  • Development of secang wood extract as a cognitive enhancer
  • Studi farmakogenomik pada beberapa penyakit dan obatnya
  • Pharmacogenomic studies on several diseases and their drugs


2021 – now ht


16 Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho, PhD
  • The Exploration of Herbal Medicine : From the active compound to investigation of molecular action. Project : “Combination of Sambiloto Fraction (Andrographis paniculata) rich in Andrographolide and Ginger Fraction (Zingiber officinale) rich in 6-Shogaol as a Potent Anti-diabetic Neuropathy: Pharmacological Study, Mechanism of Action Investigation and Product Prototype Development
2012-present https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/agungehime
17 Dr. Sylvia Utami Tunjung Pratiwi, M.Si
  • Exploring The Potential of Indonesian natural products as anti-microbial quorum sensing
2023-2027 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/SylviaPratiwi
18 Dwi Endarti
2023-2024 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/dwiendarti#
19 Hilda Ismail
  • Pemurnian Parasetamol melalui Rekristalisasi Dengan Penambahan Asam Hidroksikarboksilat sebagai Agen Ko-Kristalisasi
  • Purification of Paracetamol Through Recrystallization with Addition of Hydroxycarboxylic Acid As the Co-Crystallization Agent
April 2024 – November 2024 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Hilda
20 Akhmad Kharis Nugroho
  • Aplikasi Modeling Berbasis Populasi dalam Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Meropenem
  • Application of Population-Based Modeling in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Meropenem
2023-2024 (2 tahun) https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/akhmadkharisnugroho
21 drh. Retno Murwanti
  • Penemuan dan pengembangan obat dari bahan alam, sintetik dan produk biologis sebagai antikanker/Drug discovery and development from natural, synthetic and biological products as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-ageing agents
  • Drug discovery and development from natural, synthetic and biological products as anti-cancer/Drug discovery and development from natural, synthetic and biological products as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-aging agents
  • Pengembangan eksosom dan sekretom dari stem cell untuk penyakit sistem imun, kanker dan aging/Development of exosomes and secretomes derived from stem cells for immune system diseases, cancer and ageing.
  • Development of exosomes and secretomes derived from stem cells for immune system diseases, cancer and aging.
  • Pengembangan senyawa dari bahan alam untuk imunomodulator, penyakit sistem imun dan kesembuhan luka/Development of compounds from natural ingredients for immunomodulation, immune system diseases and wound healing.
  • Development of compounds from natural ingredients for immunomodulation, immune system diseases and wound healing
2021-2026 https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Retno


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Tracer Study for Alumni of Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Science UGM


Rina Wijayanti18/435333/SFA/00167December 20, 2023Unissula
Viviane Annisa20/468070/SFA/00220July 31, 2023Universitas Islam Indonesia
Adeltrudis Adelsa Danimayostu18/435324/SFA/00158July 31, 2023Universitas Brawijaya
Putu Yudhistira Budhi Setiawan
19/450185/SFA/00193July 31, 2023Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali
Daru Estiningsih
17/420237/SFA/00145July 31, 2023Universitas Alma Ata
Ipang Djunarko
16/405214/SFA/00132July 31, 2023Universitas Sanata Darma
I Made Wisnu Adhi Putra
August 31, 2023Universitas Dhyana Pura
Diyan Ajeng Rossetyowati
July 31, 2023Akademi Farmasi Jember
Kyky Herlyanti
July 31, 2023Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi
Heru Sasongko
August 31, 2023Universitas Sebelas Maret
Putu Oka Samirana
August 31, 2023Unniversitas Udayana
Yohanes Dwiatmaka
July 31, 2023Universitas Sanata Darma
Rahma Artemisia
July 31, 2023Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta
Luh Putu Mirah Kusuma Dewi
September 27, 2023Unniversitas Udayana
Indri Maharini
August 31, 2023Universitas Jambi




(update October 15, 2024)
1 Prof. Dr. apt. Erna Prawita Setyowati, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/ErnaPrawita Professor 4 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
2 Prof. Dr. apt. Triana Hertiani, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Triana Professor 14 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
3 Dr. apt. Andayana Puspitasari Gani, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/andayana lecturer 3 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
4 Dr. rer.nat. apt. Nanang Fakhrudin, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Nanang Associate Professor 11 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
5 Dr. rer.nat. apt. Yosi Bayu Murti, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/yb.murti lecturer 7 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

apt. Puguh Indrasetiawan, M.Sc., Ph.D.

https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/puguhindra lecturer 0 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Microbiology and Cell Biology
7 Dr. apt. Purwanto, M.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Poer lecturer 7 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Microbiology and Cell Biology
8 Dr. apt. Indah Purwantini, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Indah Associate Professor 1 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Microbiology and Cell Biology
9 Dr. Djoko Santosa, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/djoksan Associate Professor 2 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Microbiology and Cell Biology
10 Prof. Dr. apt. Puji Astuti, M.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Puji Professor 3 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Microbiology and Cell Biology
11 Dr. Sylvia Utami Tunjung Pratiwi, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/SylviaPratiwi Associate Professor 3 PHARMACY BIOLOGY Microbiology and Cell Biology
12 Prof. Dr. apt. Akhmad Kharis Nugroho, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/akhmadkharisnugroho Professor 15 PHARMACETICS Biopharmaceuticals and Physical Pharmacy
13 Prof. Dr. apt. Abdul Karim Zulkarnain, M.Si., SE. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Karim Professor 1 PHARMACETICS Biopharmaceuticals and Physical Pharmacy
14 apt. Marlyn Dian Laksitorini, M.Sc. Ph.D. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Marlyn lecturer 5 PHARMACETICS Biopharmaceuticals and Physical Pharmacy
15 apt. Adhyatmika, M.Biotech., Ph.D. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Adhyatmika lecturer 4 PHARMACETICS Biopharmaceuticals and Physical Pharmacy
16 Prof. Dr. apt. Satibi, M. Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/satibi Professor 15 PHARMACETICS Pharmacy Management and Community Pharmacy
17 Dr. apt. Chairun Wiedyaningsih, M.Kes., M. App.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/chairunwiedyaningsih Associate Professor 1 PHARMACETICS Pharmacy Management and Community Pharmacy
18 Prof. Dr. apt. Susi Ari Kristina, M.Kes. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/susi Professor 12 PHARMACETICS Pharmacy Management and Community Pharmacy
19 apt. Anna Wahyuni Widayanti, M.P.H., Ph.D. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/annawidayanti lecturer 15 PHARMACETICS Pharmacy Management and Community Pharmacy
20 Dr.apt.  Dwi Endarti, S.F., M.Kes. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/dwiendarti Associate Professor 8 PHARMACETICS Pharmacy Management and Community Pharmacy
21 Prof. Dr. apt. Teuku Nanda Saifullah Sulaiman, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/MTk3MjAzMjcxOTk3MDIxMDAx Professor 9 PHARMACETICS Pharmaceutical Technology
22 Dr. rer.nat. Ronny Martien, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/ronnymartien lecturer 13 PHARMACETICS Pharmaceutical Technology
23 Dr.Eng. apt. Khadijah, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Khadijah lecturer 8 PHARMACETICS Pharmaceutical Technology
24 Prof. Dr. apt. Abdul Rohman, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/abdulrohman Professor 15 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Analytical Chemistry
25 Dr.rer.nat. apt. Tatang Irianti, M.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Tanti Associate Professor 0 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Analytical Chemistry
26 apt. Eka Noviana, M.Sc., Ph.D. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/ekanoviana lecturer 3 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Analytical Chemistry
27 Prof. Dr.rer.nat. apt. Raden Rara Endang Lukitaningsih, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Endang Professor 11 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Analytical Chemistry
28 Prof. Dr. apt. Ratna Asmah Susidarti, MS. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/RatnaAsmah Professor 6 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Medicinal Chemistry
29 Dr. apt. Hilda Ismail, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Hilda Associate Professor 0 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Medicinal Chemistry
30 Prof. Dr. Ritmaleni,S.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/ritmaleni Professor 0 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Medicinal Chemistry
31 Dr. apt. Hari Purnomo, MS. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/hari.purnomo lecturer 0 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Medicinal Chemistry
32 Dr. B.S. Ari Sudarmanto, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/ariebs lecturer 1 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Medicinal Chemistry
34 Dr. apt. Riris Istighfari Jenie, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Riris Associate Professor 3 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Macromolecules
35 apt. Rumiyati, M.Si., Ph.D. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/MTk3MTA5MjIxOTk3MDIyMDAx Associate Professor 4 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Macromolecules
36 Prof. Dr. rer.nat. apt. Adam Hermawan, M.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Adam Professor 3 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Macromolecules
37 apt. Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid, M.Eng., PhD. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Rizal lecturer 1 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Macromolecules
38 Dr. apt. Muthi’ Ikawati, M.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/muthi_ikawati lecturer 3 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY Macromolecules
39 Prof. Dr. apt. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/MTk3NjAxMTUxOTk5MDMxMDAy Professor 15 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Pharmacology and Toxicology
40 Dr. drh. Retno Murwanti, M.P. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Retno Associate Professor 9 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Pharmacology and Toxicology
41 Dr. apt. Nunung Yuniarti, S.F., M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/nunung Associate Professor 2 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Pharmacology and Toxicology
42 Prof. Dr. apt. Arief Nurrochmad, M.Si., M.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Ariefnr Professor 14 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Pharmacology and Toxicology
43 Prof. Dr. apt. Ika Puspita Sari, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/MTk3MTA0MjYxOTk2MDEyMDAx Professor 11 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Pharmacology and Toxicology
44 Dr. apt. Purwantiningsih, M.Si. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Purwanti Associate Professor 0 PHARMACOLOGY and CLINICAL PHARMACY Pharmacology and Toxicology
45 Prof. Dr. apt. Tri Murti Andayani, Sp.FRS. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/MTk2OTAyMjQxOTk3MDIyMDAx Professor 13 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy
46 Prof. Dr. apt. Zullies Ikawati. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/Zullies Professor 14 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy

Dr. apt. Fita Rahmawati, Sp.FRS.

https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/fita Associate Professor 8 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy
48 Dr. apt. Nanang Munif Yasin, M.Pharm. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/NanangMunifYasin Associate Professor 13 PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy
49 Dr. apt. Rohmad Yudi Utomo, M.Sc. https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/rohmadyudiutomo lecturer 1 PHARMACY CHEMISTRY


The eligible candidates to be proposed as thesis advisors are those holding the position of Lecturer (Associate Professor) and Professor.

*) :Retirement period less than 2 years cannot be extended

Study Program Development

The Pharmaceutical Science Doctoral Study Program (PS-DIF) always makes continuous improvements (continuous improvement) using indicators applied in quality targets.

The strategies used to achieve quality objectives are summarized in the table below:

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