Program Learning Outcomes


The graduates are expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate Pancasila values and awareness of the nation and state interest
  2. Demonstrate honesty, responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner


  • Master the philosophy of pharmaceutical science
  • Master the theories and general concepts of advanced science in pharmaceutical science
  • Master the principles of cutting-edge technology related to pharmaceutical science
  • Master the application theory related to pharmaceutical sciences
  • Master the research principles in the development and application of pharmaceutical sciences
  • Master the concept of academic integrity in general, and the concept of plagiarism in particular in terms of the types of plagiarism, the consequences of violations and efforts to prevent them
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    Vision Mission and Objectives


    To become a pioneer in excellent and innovative Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences education at the national and international levels, dedicated to the interests of the nation and humanity, inspired by Pancasila.


  • To conduct a Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences program based on research, prioritizing ethical and moral values, and having an international perspective.
  • Carrying out the development of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research to produce applicable research works in the fields of pharmacy and health through external collaboration.
  • Carrying out community service based on research results to address national and humanitarian issues.
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    The Faculty of Pharmacy at UGM, as one of the educational institutions, is committed to achieving graduate competencies through the Graduate Program. The Graduate Program at the Faculty of Pharmacy offers a structured Doctoral (Ph.D.) program in accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia’s Regulation No. 217/99 regarding Guidelines for Doctoral Program Implementation.

    The implementation of this structured program provides participants with the assurance of completing their studies in a timely manner. The Ph.D. program at UGM is a pioneer in implementing doctoral education in Indonesia. The Ph.D. program in pharmaceutical sciences, which is the highest formal education level in pharmaceutical higher education, offers various fields of study: Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Social Pharmacy. read more