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Publikasi Tahun 2019

No. NIM Nama Judul Disertasi TIM PROMOTOR Data Publikasi NIM
Judul Publikasi/ Seminar Status
1 14/373549/SFA/00093 Bangunawati Rahajeng Kajian Risiko-Manfaat Penggunaan Antikonvulsan Secara Off-Label pada Terapi Nyeri Neuropati Sentral Post Stroke : Studi pada Pregabalin dan Gabapentin Prof.Dr. Zullies Ikawati,Apt The Off- Label Use of Carbamazepine in Indonesia Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (AJPCR, Scopus Q3)

url : https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/viewFile/20682/14522

Publish volume 11 issue 5 May 2018, 2019
2 Dr. Tri  Murti Andayani, Sp.FRS., Apt. A Retrospective Study : TheOff-Label Use of Anticonvulsants At A Private Hospital In Indonesia International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPPS)

url : https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/viewFile/25388/14629

Publish volume 10 issue 5,
3 Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D The Effect of Pregabalin on the Quality of Life in Patients with Central Post-Stroke Pain Journal Young Pharmacists (JYP, Scopus Q2)

url http://www.jyoungpharm.org/sites/default/files/JYoungPharm_10_2_222_0.pdf

Publish volume 10 issue 2, Apr-Jun 2018,
4 13/351916/SFA/00076 Eka Prasasti Nur Rachmani Aktivitas Hipoglikemik dan Hipolipidemik Fraksi Flavonoid Herba Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Ness.) : Efek In Vivo pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Fruktosa dan Lemak Tinggi serta Kajian In Vitro pada Enzim α-Amilase, α-Glukosidase dan Antioksidan Prof. Dr. Suwijiyo Pramono, DEA., Apt. Effects Flavonoid-Enriched Fraction of Andrographis paniculata (burm.f).Ness Increase GLUT-4 Translocation in High-Fructose-Fat-Fed Rats International journal of current innovation research Vol. 4, Issue, 4(A) pp. 1152-1155, April 2018 Published 2019
5 Prof. Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si, Apt. Aktivitas Antioksidan Fraksi Flavonoid Bebas Andrografolid Dari Herba Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata) Pharmacy Medical Journal Vol. 1 No.2, 2018 Published
6 Total flavonoid Content of Extract and Fractions from Andrographis paniculata Herbs and Its Thin Layer Chromatographic Profile International conference cardiovascular diseases CDV-IA integrated approach from basic, clinical science, public health and bioethics Presenter oral & Published di proceeding
7 15/389786/SFA/0119 Wiranti Sri Rahayu Pengembangan Metode Analisis Fisika-Kimia dan Biologi Molekuler untuk Analisis Daging Anjing dalam Bakso untuk Autentkasi Halal Prof.Dr.Abdul Rohman,M.Sc.,Apt Application of FTIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Halal Authentication  of Beef Meatball Adulterated with Dog Meat Indonesian Journal Chemistry, 2018, 18 (2), 376 – 381 Published 2019
8 Prof.Dr. Sudibyo Martono, MS., Apt. The potential use of infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for differentiation of beef meatball from dog meat for Halal authentication analysis Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research September 2018  Vol 5 No 3 Published
9 Prof. Dr. Sudjadi, MS,Apt Identification of Dog For Halal Authentification With Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) and Chemometrics A  Advanced Science Letter Vol 4; 3398-3402 Published
10 14/373756/SFA/00100 Jhonson P. Sihombing Cost Effectiveness Analysis Erithropoetin  α dibandingkan dengan Eritropoetin β pada pengobatan Anemia Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Rutin Prof. Dr. Lukman Hakim, Apt. Validasi kuesioner FACIT pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisis rutin Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Accepted
11 Dr. Tri  Murti Andayani, Sp.FRS., Apt. Quality of life of chronic kidney disease patients with routine hemodialysis in general hospitals in Sleman Yogyakarta International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Accepted
12 dr. Fredie Irijanto, Ph.D., Sp.PD., K-GH. FINASIM Pengaruh karakteristik terhadap kelelahan dan kualitas hidup pasien anemia dengan terapi eritropoetin alfa yang menjalani hemodialisis rutin Seminar nasional & presentasi ilmiah Fakultas Farmasi UGM, 9 Mei 2018 Presenter oral
13 15/389777/SFA/00110 Fef Rukminingsih Cost Utility Analysis Penggunaan Asam Zoledronat pada Pasien Premenopausal Early Breast Cancer dengan Hormon Responsif Dr. Tri Murti Andayani, SpFRS, Apt, Evaluasi Terapi Adjuvan dan Kejadian Relaps pada Pasien Premenopausal Early Breast Cancer dengan Hormon Responsif dan HER-2 Negatif di RSUP dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta Jurnal Manajemen dan Pelayanan Farmasi; Volume VII No.1 Tahun 2017 Published
Nasional Terakreditasi
14 Dr. Fita Rahmawati, SpFRS Health Related Quality of Life On Early Breast Cancer Patients With Hormone Responsive International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,  Vol 10 Issue 12, Desember 2018 Published
15 dr.Kartika W, Sp.PD, KHOM Clinical effectiveness of zoledronic acid in pre-menopausal women hormone receptor-positive breast cancer : A systematic review The 2nd International Conference on Health Sciences (ICHS), Universitas Gadjah Mada; Yogyakarta 18-19 Agustus 2017  Poster Presenter
16 Health-related quality of life on early breast cancer patients with hormon responsive”. The 5th International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICPAPS), Universitas Gadjah Mada; Yogyakarta 1-2 November 2017  Poster Presenter
17 Kualitas Hidup Pasien Early Breast Cancer. Seminar Nasional dan Presentasi Ilmiah dengan tema “Masihkah Apoteker Dibutuhkan Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan? Tantangan di Era Disruptive Innovation”, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada; Yogyakarta 9 Mei 2018 Pemakalah Oral
18 14/373752/SFA/00099 Endang Dwi Wulansari Senyawa Aktif Fotoprotektif dari Rimpang Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.: Studi Aktivitas Antioksidan, Proteksi terhadap Inflamasi dan Supresi Sistem Imun pada Model Kulit Mencit yang Dipapar Ultra Violet B Prof. Dr. Subagus Wahyuono, Apt. Potential Bengle (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.) Rhizomes For Sunscreens and Antioxidant Compounds International Journal of PharmTech Research (ISSN: 0974-4304) CODEN: IJPRIF Vol. 9, No. 11, hal. 72-77, Tahun 2016. sphinxsai.com/2016/ph_vol9_no11/1/(72-77)V9N11PT.pdf Published 2019
19 Prof. Dr. Marchaban, DESS., Apt. Topical Anti-inflammatory Activity of Bangle (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb). Ethanolic Extract in Mice Induced By Carrageenan Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal), Vol 23, No 2, hal. 122–126, Tahun 2018. https://doi.org/10.22146/mot.34640 Published
20 drh. Sitarina Widyarini, M.P., PhD. Antioxidant Activity of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. Extract and Its Fractions” The 4th International Conference on Pharmacy and Advance Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yogyakarta 7-8 September 2015 Pemakalah oral
21 Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Topikal Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Bengle (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.) pada Mencit Betina Galur Swiss yang Diinduksi Karagenin 1st Annual Pharmacy Conference dengan tema “Eksplorasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia Untuk Pengembangan Jamu Berbasis Saintifik”, Surakarta 3-4 September 2016. Pemakalah oral
22 Potential Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb. To Protect Against Inflammation And Immunosuppression In Mice Induced By UV-B Radiation To Protect Against Inflammation And Immunosuppression In Mice Induced By UV-B Radiation To Protect Against Inflammation And Immunosuppression In Mice Induced By UV-B Radiation 1st International Conference on Pharmaceutical Updates “Trending on chemopreventive agent: Cancer Immunology & Cancer Metabolism” & The 9th Annual Symposium Indonesian Society for Cancer Chemoprevention, Yogyakarta, 17-10 Oktober 2018 Pemakalah oral
23 14/373658/SFA/00095 Nur Rasdianah Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah (Home Pharmaceutical Care) Bagi Pasien Dibetes Melitus Tipe 2 Prof. DR. Suwaldi, M.Sc.,Apt. Gambaran Kepatuhan Pengobatan Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Derah Istimewa Yogyakarta Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia,Desember 2016 Tersedia online pada: Vol. 5 No. 4, hlm 249–257 http://ijcp.or.id ISSN: 2252–6218 Published 2019
24 Dr. Tri  Murti Andayani, Sp.FRS., Apt. Gambaran Kepuasan Terapi Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Jurnal Delima Harapan, Vol 6 No. 2 Hal. 59-117, September 2019, 2019, ISSN : 2355-1399 Published
25 Prof.Dr. Lukman Hakim,M.Sc,Apt. Identifikasi Problem Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 dalam Upaya Penyusunan Pedoman Pelayanan kefarmasian Seminar Nasional ”Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia 2017” Oral presenter
26 15/389776/SFA/00109 Etty Sulistyowati Analisis Daidzein dan Genistein dalam Berbagai Varietas Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) secara HPLC dan Spektroskopi FTR yang Dikombinasi dengan Kemometrika Prof.Dr. Sudibyo Martono, MS., Apt. Analisis  Daidzein dan Genistein pada Kedelai  (Glycine Max L. Merril) varietas  Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, dan Dena 2 menggunakan metode KCKT. Media Farmasi Indonesia vol.13 no 1 Maret 2018 Published 2019
27 Prof. Dr. Sugeng Riyanto, MS.,Apt Development and Validation for free  Aglycones  Daidzein and Genistein in Soybeans (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) using RP-HPLC Method.  Accepted in International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics Published
28 Dr. RR. Endang Lukitaningsih, M.Si., Apt. develompent andvalidation of quantitatife assayfor free aglycone (daidsein genistein) in soybeanm (G.Max L Merril) using HPLC method Presentation Oral in International  Conference    Of   Contemporary Scientific   Studies in  Purwokerto, Sept   21-22, 2018 Presentation Oral
29 NIM : 15/389773/SFA/00106 BAMBANG WIJIANTO Seri Baru Analog Senyawa HGV, PGV, dan GVT: Studi QSAR, Sintesis, dan Skrining Aktivitas Biologi Dr. Ritmaleni, S.Si. In silico and in vitro assay of HGV analogue as antibacterial 10.22159/ijpps.2019v11i3.30581 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Publish 2019
30 Dr. Hari Purnomo, M.S., Apt QSAR and synthesis of curcumin analogues as antibacterial 10.9790/0853-1708077282 IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Publish
31 Dr. Arief Nurrochmad, M.Si., M.Sc., Apt Curcumin mono-carbonyl analogs as potent antibacterial compounds: synthesis, biological evaluation and docking simulation study Rasayan Journal of  Chemistry (Rasayan J. Chem.) Accepted (published in RJC, Vol.13, No.1, 2020)
32 NIM : 16/405211/SFA/00129 ILHAM KUNCAHYO Sediaan Solid Self Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (S-SNEDDS) Pitavastatin Terinkoporasi Pembawa Manitol Mesoporous Prof.Dr.Achmad Fudholi, DEA, Apt Assessment of fractional factorial design for the selection and screening of appropriate components of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system formulation Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin Accepted 2019
33 Prof.Dr. Abdul Rohman, M.Si., Apt Understanding the effect of lipid formulation loading and ethanol as a diluent on solidification of pitavastatin super-saturable SNEDDS using factorial design approach Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences Accepted
34 Dr.rer.nat. Ronny Martien, M.Si Solidification of meloxicam self-nano emulsifying drug delivery system formulation incorporated into soluble and insoluble carrier using freeze dyring method IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Accepted
35 NIM : 16/405212/SFA/00130 INDRI HAPSARI Studi Observasi dan Pengembangan Peracikan Obat di Puskesmas Prof. Dr. Marchaban, DESS., Apt The Extemporaneous Compounding at Primary Health Care Centers: Characteristic and Personnel Global Journal of Public Health Accepted 2019
36 Dr. Chairun Wiedyaningsih, Mkes., MSc., Apt. Prescribing Pattern of Extemporaneous Compounding in Primary Health Care Centers Global Journal of Public Health Accepted
37 Dr. Susi Ari Kristina, S.Farm., M.Kes.,Apt. Antibiotic Prescribing Pattern on Extemporaneous Compounding Suspension in Primary Health Care Centers Journal of Public Health in Africa Accepted
38 Microbial Contamination on Dosage Form of Non Sterile Semi Solid Extemporaneous Compounding in Primary Health Care Centers International Medical Journal Accepted
Dosen S-3 Anggota Judul Link Tahun
1  Abdul Rohman Yohannes Martono and Abdul Rohman. Quantitative analysisof stevioside and rebaudioside A in steviarebaudiana leaves using infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 11(1): 38-42. https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/28029/16804 2019
2 Abdul Rohman Abdul Rohman and Anggita The application of instrumental analysis coupled with chemometrics for halal authentication: a review. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 19(1): 262-272. https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/ijc/article/view/28721/21805 2019
3  Abdul Rohman Abdul Rohman The employment of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics techniques for traceability and authentication of meat and meat products. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 6(1): 9-17. http://bdvets.org/JAVAR/V6I1/f306_pp9-17.pdf 2019
4 Abdul Rohman Hari Widada, Abdul Rohman, Riris Istighfari Jenie, Sismindari Application of graphene oxide on aptamer-based biosensor development for authentication of gelatin. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 11(2): 254-258. https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/31122  2019
Abdul Rohman Novalina BR Purba, Abdul Rohman, Sudibyo Martono. The optimization of HPLC for quantitative analysis of acid orange 7 and Sudan II in cosmetic products using box behnken design. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 11(2): 130-137. https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/31285 2019
6 Abdul Rohman Reyna Nevitasari, Rohman, A., Martono, S. Validation and quantitative analysis of Carmine and Rhodamine B in lipstick formulation. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 11(3). 176-180. https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/32492. 2019
7 Abdul Rohman Rohman, A., Putri, A. R. and Riyanto, S. Authentication of patin (Pangasius micronemus) fish oil adulterated with palm oil using FTIR spectroscopy combined with chemometrics. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 11(3), 195-199 https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/30947 2019
Abdul Rohman Lestari, A.D., Rohman, A. and Martono, S. Central composite design applied in HPLC optimization for analysis of Tartrazine and Auramine O in powder drinks. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 11(3). 211-215. https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/32716 2019
Abdul Rohman Abdul Rohman, Yaakob Bin Che Man, and Md. Eakub Ali. The authentication of virgin coconut oil from grape seed oil and soybean oil using FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 11(2): 259-163. https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/31758/19597 2019
Abdul Rohman Rr Dewi Ngaisyah and Abdul Rohman. Effect of Fish Consumption as a Local Food Alternative for the Reduction of Stunting in Toddlers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 18: 496-500. Doi: 10.3923/pjn.2019496.500 http://docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/pjn/2019/496-500.pdf 2019
Abdul Rohman Hari Widada, Abdul Rohman, Riris Istighfari Jenie and Sismindari, Optimization of graphene oxide-based quencher-free molecular beacon for meat product authentication. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 22: 220-225. http://docsdrive.com/pdfs/ansinet/pjbs/2019/220-225.pdf 2019
Abdul Rohman Anjar Windarsih, Abdul Rohman, Respati Tri Swasono. Application of 1H-NMR based metabolite fingerprinting and chemometrics for authentication of Curcuma longa adulterated with C. heyneana. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jarmap.2019100203 2019
Abdul Rohman Abdul Rohman, Anjar Windarsih, M. A. Motalib Hossain, Mohd Rafie Johan, Md. Eaqub Ali, Nurrulhidayah A. F. Application of near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for discrimination and authentication of herbal products: A review. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 9(3), 147-157.  DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.201990319. https://www.japsonline.com/admin/php/uploads/2883_pdf.pdf 2019
Abdul Rohman Zaira Zaman Chowdhury, Sharmin Sultana, Mohd Rafie Johan, Abdul Rohman, Yuny Erwanto & Md. Eaqub Ali: M. A. Motalib Hossain, Syed Muhammad Kamal Uddin, Universal mitochondrial 16s rRNA biomarker for mini-barcode to identify fish species in Malaysian fish products, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 36:4, 493-506, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.20191580389. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19440049.20191580389?needAccess=true 2019
Abdul Rohman Nurrulhidayah, A.F., Hamid, A. H., Sani, M. S. A., Elgharbawy, A. A. and Rohman, A. Optimisation of browning index of Maillard reaction in gelatine powder by response surface methodology (RSM) for halal authentication. Food Research. 3 (5) : 525 – 529. file:///C:/Users/ASUS/Downloads/_19__fr-2019-116_hamid_3.pdf 2019
Abdul Rohman Rohman, A., Lukitaningsih, E., Rafi, M., Nurrulhidayah, A.F., and Windarsih, A. Nigella sativa oil: physico-chemical properties, authentication analysis and its antioxidant activity. Food Research. 3 (6) : 628 – 634. file:///C:/Users/ASUS/Downloads/_2__fr-2019-115_rohman.pdf 2019
Abdul Rohman M. Tan, Sudjadi, Astuti, and A. Rohman, Validation and quantitative analysis of cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, and lead in snake fruit by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8(2), 44-48. http://www.japsonline.com/admin/php/uploads/2550_pdf.pdf 2019