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Program Educational Objectives

The Program Educational Objectives is to produce Doctoral graduates who are excellent at national and international levels, competent in the development and application of pharmaceutical sciences, and ready to serve the interests of the nation and humanity.”

The graduates of the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences have the following profile:

  1. Teacher
  2. Researcher
  3. Leader
1. Teacher The graduates become a teacher who masters the concept of academic integrity, philosophy of pharmaceutical sciences, theory, and general concepts of advanced science in pharmaceutical technology and community clinical pharmacy, performs teaching professionally, and can master and develop new theories.
2. Researcher The graduates become a pharmaceutical researcher who is independent, masters research principles in the development and application of pharmaceutical sciences in pharmaceutical technology and community clinical pharmacy, and can manage, lead, and develop innovative pharmaceutical research to improve the quality of life in society, nation and state, through inter, multi and transdisciplinary approach.
3. Leader The graduates become a leader who can internalize the spirit of independence, and can evaluate, make decisions, and demonstrate independent performance to produce solutions with integrity to solve pharmaceutical science and health problems in society.

Program Learning Outcomes


The graduates are expected to be able to:

  • Demonstrate Pancasila values and awareness of the nation and state interest
  • Demonstrate honesty, responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner
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    Vision Mission and Objectives


    To be a pioneer in excellent and innovative Doctoral Pharmaceutical Science education, nationally and internationally renowned, keeping pace with advancements in science and technology, upholding ethical and moral values, and guided by Pancasila principles in serving the nation and humanity.


  • To provide research-based doctoral education in pharmaceutical science, emphasizing ethical and moral values, and fostering an international perspective.
  • To conduct multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary research development to produce practical research contributions in the field of pharmacy and healthcare through external collaborations.
  • To engage in community service based on research outcomes to address national and humanitarian issues.
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